Wielkopolskie Towarzystwo Genealogiczne GNIAZDO

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Teraz jest 11 sty 2025, 01:35

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 Tytuł: Rosentreter
PostNapisane: 11 paź 2020, 03:27 

Dołączył(a): 07 paź 2020, 23:47
Posty: 1
Hello and thanks for the add to the forum.

My gggrandfather Johann Rosentreter b. between Dec 1825 - Dec 1826 emmigrated to Australia in 1871. He was married to Wilhelmine Dittman b. abt 1815 in Wissulke, Deutsch Krone (Wiesiółka, Wałcz County, Poland).

He held land (which he sold in 1871 - https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/jed ... ka/9826584) in Seegenfelde or Segenfelde, Deutsch-Krone (Tarnowo, Piła County, Poland). His children were also born there. They were Lutheran (Evangelic).

I know the following:

Seegenfelde was in the catholic parish of Schrotz, present name Skrzatusz. Baptism records of this parish are available and digitized in the Diocese Archives of Koszalin according to http://www.archiwum.koszalin.opoka.org. ... gi_rz.html. I don’t see any link to the digitized records, does anyone know if they are online - they may be worth a look.

Seegenfelde was in the evangelic parish of Schneidemühl until 1839 and then Lebehnke. All the records of both parishes were lost in the war.

I'm wondering if anyone knows if there might be Civil records from this area for 1800-1900??

Thanks in advance,


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 Tytuł: Re: Rosentreter
PostNapisane: 26 paź 2020, 18:43 

Dołączył(a): 13 sie 2020, 22:31
Posty: 563
Hi Rog,

I have contacted the Diocese Archives in Koszalin recently, as one of my ancestors was born in Wałcz/Deutsch Krone. The answer I got is that the digitized records are not available online, but can be accessed in their reading room. As an alternative, you can ask their employee to perform the query, at the cost of 10 euro per hour plus copy costs.

Good luck!


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